March 2015

“First ever”… Er, not actually…

Friday saw-according to some sources-the dawning of a new era in estate agency. Online agency claimed to be holding the first ever "virtual open house" via its Facebook page. The property was a two bedroom flat in Hackney and it was claimed that the virtual tour would chime with, "the demographic of first time buyers in Hackney and wider London, who struggle to take the time out of...

Hurrah! At last someone talks sense…

Hold the front page; there is at last an article in the press with which I concur. I know, editors across the fourth estate are breathing a collective sigh of relief that The Chesh has given his approval...In a week where Gideon-I mean George- showed that a. He may well have played a blinder b. His tailor needs to add an extra two inches to his trousers (all men will empathise about needing an extra two...

“As a general rule..people ask for advice only in order not to follow it…

...or if they do follow it, in order to have someone to blame for giving it." Alexandre Dumas. I could empathise with the French novelist and playwright (Q. Name two of his most famous works? Clue; "All for one and one for all"), this week when valuing a potential vendor's property. The Chesh cabaret act was in full Vegas mode and I duly obtained the instruction. I was informed that I was very...

“Let’s get this mother out of here…”

The unrecorded and therefore unofficial (although often repeated by the men who were actually there), last words of the last man to walk on the moon, Jack Schmitt, the lunar module pilot of Apollo 17 who with his commander, Gene Cernan were the last people to trot along the lunar surface on December 14, 1972. The last recorded word spoken from the Moon was the rather utilitarian and infinitely (geddit?)...

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