If your aunty had balls….

  • 11 years ago
  • 1

When I was in school (approved), one of my more notable reports commented how, “Gareth sets himself increasingly low standards that he often fails to achieve…” (sic) .  The same could be levelled at the marketing departments of various corporate estate agents.  An experienced, local independent estate agent – and in fairness, there is more than one in Cwmbran-  will tell you that there are three things that decide whether you are successful in getting the instruction of a potential vendor: does the vendor like you?  what’s my house worth?  and how much are you going to charge me? It does not matter how many shiny brochures you distribute, how many taglines you put in the local paper or how many people comment on how they ‘saw your sign ‘ on the local roundabout, if the potential vendor, doesn’t like you, and doesn’t like what you have to say, (the former usually goes hand in glove with the latter), it is end of sports.  In a turning market, always remember that the right house, in the right place, at the right price will always sell. The last point has and always will be the deciding factor on whether a house ends up with a ‘sold’ board in front of it, or remains for eternity on a corporate glossy website.  ………….she would be your uncle.

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